
Waycam - Modifié le 22 juin 2020 à 13:11
AN.Banker Messages postés 10492 Date d'inscription mardi 23 avril 2019 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 26 décembre 2024 - 22 juin 2020 à 13:16
Bonjour, J'e'crirai en anglais car mon francais n'est pas bon. On my Master Card ING bank in the Netherlands I am paying €59 each month since February 19, 2020. How did this happen? I don't receive anything from PRINTETERNALLY AALBORG S DNK and I do not even know this name. I share my card with my wife and she does not remember you either. I have stopped my card at this moment. The first collection with your name came on our card Feb. 5, 2020 for €0.75 cents
and the second on Feb 19th for €59 and each month there after. Who are you and what is this payment for? Please STOP/CANCEL this order immediately and please send me confirmation that it is done.
Mr.D ***

1 réponse

AN.Banker Messages postés 10492 Date d'inscription mardi 23 avril 2019 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 26 décembre 2024 9 096
Modifié le 22 juin 2020 à 13:17
Il pense qu'on lui débite de l'argent. Je vais lui répondre quand même. :-)

Hi, You are on a french speaking and public forum. We are not the one picking your money.
You may find the good contact there : contact them cancel you subscription and eventualy ask for refund