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1 réponse
Si vous avez lu ce qui est écrit sur le site anglais. You must et pas you may..
To complete your application, you must make arrangements to provide your biometrics (fingerprints and facial photograph) with our commercial partner, which may involve attending one of their centres. You will be able to see the options available to you after you have completed your application and continue to our commercial partner's website.
donc vu qu'il n' y a qu'un centre
Si vous avez lu ce qui est écrit sur le site anglais. You must et pas you may..
To complete your application, you must make arrangements to provide your biometrics (fingerprints and facial photograph) with our commercial partner, which may involve attending one of their centres. You will be able to see the options available to you after you have completed your application and continue to our commercial partner's website.
donc vu qu'il n' y a qu'un centre