Need referral to bilingual French Lawyer

VintageSally Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription vendredi 4 août 2023 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 4 août 2023 - 4 août 2023 à 20:28
VintageSally Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription vendredi 4 août 2023 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 4 août 2023 - 4 août 2023 à 22:28


I am widowed and in contact with the French Notaire regarding succession process. I am American (as was my husband). The Notaire is demanding I give her some sort of certificate showing my husband's estate is settled.
I have explained many times to her that he died "intestate" (without a will) and since we also live in a community property state in USA there is no certificate to file.

She doesn't understand. I told her I cannot file a petition in Probate court because there is no will and no assets. There are only debts to which I do not have to legally pay.

Please help me find a French attorney who can speak to her on my behalf. She needs to be advised of the American laws and someone needs to help her find a different way to handle the paperwork of the French succession. (For example, she knows we are American yet she asked for me to give her "Livret de Famille". I had to tell her we don't have such a family book in USA)

2 réponses

AN.Banker Messages postés 10532 Date d'inscription mardi 23 avril 2019 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 1 mars 2025 9 168
4 août 2023 à 20:30


It would be easier for you I think to find an US attorney so he can explain her how US law stands regarding succession and then find sworn translator for the document. Finding a local attorney won't help you except if you find an international lawyer who took the bar there in the US too. For those kind of lawyer, there are plenty of them in NY.

Maybe you can also raise a request to the French ambassy to help you in your procedures.

As for us it is again our policy to promote any existing lawyer..

VintageSally Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription vendredi 4 août 2023 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 4 août 2023
4 août 2023 à 20:34

Thank you for your response. I have talked to several US lawyers who wonder why she is even asking for such a document. None of it makes sense to them. But I can try, try again, to find one who is willing to write such a document. I already have translators. She wants a certified translator for the document too, which I can provide. The trick is to find an American Lawyer who is willing to write such a document. Merci

AN.Banker Messages postés 10532 Date d'inscription mardi 23 avril 2019 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 1 mars 2025 9 168
Modifié le 4 août 2023 à 21:12

Seems that the french ambassy has a legal department but I don't know if they answer for civil cases. It's worth trying it. Maybe at least they can show you the way forward 

Edit: You also have notarial services and maybe legal assistance here in the US ambassy 

VintageSally Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription vendredi 4 août 2023 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 4 août 2023 > AN.Banker Messages postés 10532 Date d'inscription mardi 23 avril 2019 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 1 mars 2025
4 août 2023 à 22:28

Thank you! I didn't know the embassy provides referrals. I will check out these links and hopefully I can find someone to help me legally. Merci Beacoup.