La vente de données personnelles légale ?

Anaïs - 28 sept. 2011 à 14:24
 Anaïs - 21 oct. 2011 à 23:47

Je prépare une présentation sur la publicité ciblée, et je ne trouve pas de réponse complète à mes questions: la vente de données personnelles est-elle légale en France? Au niveau européen? Aux Etats-Unis?

D'avance, je vous remercie.


7 réponses

BarbieTM Messages postés 13893 Date d'inscription lundi 5 juillet 2010 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 20 juin 2014 5 752
28 sept. 2011 à 14:26

Pourtant en tapant "vente de données personnelles" sur le moteur de recherche, on trouve !

Interdiction si les personnes n'ont pas donné leur accord explicite à la cession de leurs données.
En cas d'abus PROUVÉ vous pouvez vous adresser à la CNIL.
Je n'avais rien trouvé d'assez explicite.

Cette interdiction est-elle internationale ou seulement appliquée en France/Europe?
Votre question n'est pas suffisamment concrète (à mon sens tout au moins).
Cas réel ?
Je donne un exemple: lorsque l'on s'inscrit à un quelconque site internet, on fait ensuite partie de la base de données "clients". Le fait que l'administrateur de ce site internet vende des coordonnées de "clients" à des organismes publicitaires ou entreprises est-il légal en France/Europe? Aux Etats-Unis?
Bonjour Anaïs,

Je suis également intéressée par ta question! Qu'as-tu trouvé comme informations? Peux-tu partager les éventuels liens où tu as trouvé ces informations? Je fais actuellement des recherches sur le sujet pour mon mémoire académique!

Merci de ton aide
J'ai mis en réponse au sujet l'intégralité de ma (petite ^^) présentation, j'espère que cela pourra t'être utile ! Je te souhaite beaucoup de courage avec ton mémoire !!! :)

Vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse que vous recherchez ?

Posez votre question
J'ai trouvé ce qu'il me fallait, désolée du dérangement et merci.

écrivain public
4 oct. 2011 à 12:43
Bonjour je suis intéressé pourrai tu en dire plus sur ce que tu à trouver ?
Alors, vous pouvez trouver la plupart de vos réponses sur le site internet de la CNIL, je n'avais malheureusement pas noté tous mes liens, mais voici ci-dessous ce que j'avais trouvé et résumé. Comme indiqué plus haut, le sujet est toujours : "la publicité ciblée". Si vous avez du mal avec l'anglais, n'hésitez pas à me demander la traduction (que j'ai la flemme de faire tout de suite vu l'heure ^^)!
Je vous épargne l'introduction et la conclusion de base ! :)

1) What is targeted advertising on internet?
For example, if you want to buy a pair of shoes, you look for it on internet, you find a pair that you like, you click on it, but you don't buy it, for any reason. Later, you check the news on another website, and you see on one side of your screen an ad concerning your shoes.
Other example: you've just bought online a train ticket for Paris. You keep on surfing, and you suddenly discover an offer for car rental in Paris.
Guess what, it is neither a coincidence nor magic.

2) How does it work?
Adpersons have 2 known techniques. The first one is the following: when you go on any website, some files called cookies are stored by your browser in your computer. These files will be used later by other websites to promote you some products for which you are the target.
The second technique has become a real business: the sale of personal data. Our email addresses, phone numbers and postal addresses are sold to firms so that they can target their campaigns.
When you register on a website, you can sometimes read at the bottom of the page "I agree to receive emails, etc...", and if you forget to uncheck the box, you will soon receive emails from the business partners of the website, who are interested in your profile. The sale of personal data is a multi-billion-dollar business. In 2010, a Russian hacker named Kirllos stole millions of personal data on Facebook's database and decided to sell them. Just to give you an idea, one thousand profiles with less than 10 friends were sold 25 dollars, whereas one thousand profiles with more than 10 friends were sold 45 dollars. Actually, some of the buyers are using these profiles in a criminal way, for example to get your credit card number.
In France, when you move, you can go to La Poste and ask them to send your mail to your new address. After that, you become part of the "new neighbors" file, which is sold legally by La Poste to local firms, so that they can, once more, target you.

3) How can we protect ourselves from it?
France, European countries, the United States and most of the countries around the world have voted laws about computing and rights, and have also created an independent supervisory authority.
In France, one's data cannot be sold without one's consent. The CNIL is the supervisory authority, and you can address them to access your personal data, and to report an abuse.
Moreover, when you receive a spam by SMS, you can transfer it to the 33700, so that mobile phone operators can act against the one who sent it.
You can also join free the Liste Robinson managed by the UFMD (Union Francaise du Marketing Direct), and the liste Pacitel. The first list is for mail ads and the second one is for cold calls. And of course, you can now specify to your phone operator that you don't want to receive cold calls.

4) Social networks and targeted advertising
As you may have all noticed, the ads on Facebook pages are modified according to what kind of page you like. This is why Facebook is still free, so I think you can imagine how much it yields, knowing that the Facebook firm counts more than 2 thousand employees.
Moreover, most of the firms and brands have a Facebook or a Twitter page, so that they can communicate easier and faster with their customers, and also organize free competitions on their pages.
Besides, the positioning system is used by Facebook and Google to promote local offers. You are positioned thanks to where you are when you connect to internet.

5) Targeted advertising in other medias
Have you ever think about the link between what you are watching on TV and the commercials? When there is a football match, the commercials are promoting electric shavers, gambling sites or cars. When there is a chick flick, the commercials are promoting make-up, shampoos and shoes. A certain type of person is supposed to be in front of the television, so the ads are adapted for this kind of person.
Ads also change according to the period of the year: before Christmas, Easter or Mother's Day, we can see respectively toys, chocolate eggs or perfumes.